Inside Blocks (Yoko Uchi)

This series of blocks are grouped together under one name as Yoko Uchi or Yoko Uchi Uke. An Inside Block sweeps across the body laterally from the “outside” to the “inside.” It can be done at three levels depending on the level of the attack: high (jodan), middle (chudan), or low (gedan). The Low Inside Block is called gedan ude uke. All these blocks require a slight twist of the torso to ensure the block makes it across the body properly but do not twist too much. The arms twist sharply and “snap” at the point of impact with the attack.

  • Always retract the other hand (hikite) back to the hip.
  • The high inside block, jodan yoko uchi, starts with the elbow on the same level as the shoulder. This makes the forearm next to the elbow the blocking point of contact. It ends with the elbow across from the shoulder on the other side of the body.
  • The middle inside block, chudan yoko uchi, starts with the hand on the same level as the shoulder. This makes the middle of the forearm the blocking point of contact. It ends with the hand across from the shoulder on the other side of the body and the elbow in front of the solar plexus.