Middle Outside Block

The Yoko Uke, Outside Block, is a middle-level block used to protect the body. It “scoops” under an attack coming to the center line of the body. The key to it, like most blocks, is deflecting with the other hand during the “chamber” phase of the block. Here’s what you need to keep in mind when doing this block:

  • During the “chamber” of the technique, the hikite (pulling hand) resembles a middle-level inside block to deflect the oncoming attack. It is no higher than shoulder-level.
  • The blocking hand “chambers” under the elbow of the hikite, palm down.
  • The blocking arm maintains the palm-down position throughout the block as it scrapes up along the hikite forearm until the very end when it snaps into place with the palm toward the shoulder.
  • The elbow of the blocking arm should be close to the solar plexus at the end of the block. The angle of the elbow is 90 degrees.

This block is an important block in karate, especially as the student matures in their training.