Reverse Punch When you slide your lead leg forward and punch with your rear hand, this is a reverse punch or gyaku tsuki.

Lunge Punch An oi tsuki, lunge punch, is stepping forward and punching with the hand on the side with which you are stepping.

Jab A jab, or kizami tsuki, is a fast punch with the lead hand.

Half-Forward Stance A Half-Forward Stance, or Han Zenkutsu Dachi (han means "half"), is shorter than a full Forward Stance. It is sometimes called a "Short Stance. " Some Karate styles will…

Front/Forward Stance This is a strong, aggressive stance that is basic to most styles of Karate. Zenkutsu Dachi, since it is long, is also low to the ground. Every time you…

Bassai Dai Bassai Dai is common, in some form, in many Karate styles. It is called Passai or Patsai in some Okinawan styles. The kata has a feeling of speed and…