Heian Yondan

https://youtu.be/4iWYAFiH3kE https://youtu.be/_yDWDWxYfuM https://youtu.be/JIVjs_eAbHw https://youtu.be/cCrBjnqtmIk

Heian Sandan

https://youtu.be/mgNQzde3_CE https://youtu.be/2uf4ltZ6d3U https://youtu.be/4WpusK77N-8 https://youtu.be/zRSGa4sYyUw https://youtu.be/fF15Zywisyg

Kihon no Sai

https://youtu.be/JWCoB2qO1SQ This is the first basic sai kata. It contains a limited variety of techniques and it develops a lot of basic skills through practice.


https://youtu.be/YshakdlE0kk Jion is one of the three "temple" kata. It means 'temple sound" which implies the sound made by Buddhist temple bells. It is considered a Tomari-te kata from the…

Heian Shodan

https://youtu.be/DPmiqbfV5q8 Heian Shodan is the first kata of the Heian series. The term Heian is the Japanese version of the Okinawan term Pinan. Our lineage of Shito-ryu use the Japanese…