Shinsei Shinsei is an advanced Shito-Ryu version of Chi no Kata.

Heian Godan This is the fifth kata in the Heian series. It is an intermediate-level kata but it is considered a beginner/novice-level kata in WKF and USA Karate competitions.

Heian Nidan Heian Nidan is the second kata of the Heian series. The term Heian is the Japanese version of the Okinawan term Pinan. Our lineage of Shito-ryu use the Japanese term and the Japanese order of these forms. The…

Ten no Kata Ten no Kata is Shito-Ryu's version of Fukyugata Ichi of Matsubayashi Ryu. It was designed to be a beginner's first kata and an easy introduction to more advanced forms.…

Sunakake no Kon This is an easy bo kata for beginners. Bo is the Japanese term for staff. Kon is the Okinawan term. Since kobudo is an Okinawan art, we use the…

Shiho no Kata This is a very simple kata that is used for very young children and some special needs students as an introductory kata. It has some variety of technique but…

Bassai Dai Bassai Dai is common, in some form, in many Karate styles. It is called Passai or Patsai in some Okinawan styles. The kata has a feeling of speed and…

Chi no Kata Chi no Kata is a form that is also done in some other styles of karate. It is called Fukyugata Ni in Matsubayashi Shorin-ryu schools and Gekisai Dai Ichi…