Reverse Punch When you slide your lead leg forward and punch with your rear hand, this is a reverse punch or gyaku tsuki.

Lunge Punch An oi tsuki, lunge punch, is stepping forward and punching with the hand on the side with which you are stepping.

Jab A jab, or kizami tsuki, is a fast punch with the lead hand.

Backfist Strike The Backfist Strike (Uraken Uchi) is a common strike but it is not very powerful. It gets power from speed and snap of the wrist. The other hand usually…

Rising Elbow Strike The Rising Elbow Strike (Age Empi Ate/Age Hiji Uchi) projects it's power more forward than upward. Like all elbow strikes, it is a close-range weapon and uses body motion…

Knifehand Strike The Knifehand Strike, or shuto uchi, is an easy and devastating strike in karate. This strike is done in a backhand fashion traveling across the body and out to…